
summing up a year

[ When everyone is with their friends and family, I am sitting here,staring at books and notes. :'O My heart is just eager to go back and celebrate with them. Another year celebrating myself in this room. Alone. ahh.whyyy..] Anyway, forget about this. I shall start the year happy and thinking on the positive note. Be happy, Alie. :/  So, the earth has...

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vessels for Him

" God can only use a clean vessel." Realized that, God wants to use us more than we want to be used by Him.  -Hope Peninsular Convention  ...

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Trying to stop it but my mind won't let it. True repentance comes when you decided not to go back to your old ways and your life is changed. if not, it isn't  at all. ; ; ; ; ; ; romans 12:1  ...

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Silence is golden? ...

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give and take

I wonder whether are relationships meant to be like this?  to let go but not letting go?  to breathe but not too much?  it's hard.  both need to give and take  Give love  Take love  Give time Take time  Give thoughts Take thoughts  Give words  Take words  Give heart Take heart both need to learn from one another  Only know you've been high...

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sometimes it is tiring and wonder whether what I am doing is good enough. I always have to think whether if I spend time by myself and not thinking about other people and not catching up with people, am I being too selfish? It has taken a toll on me and this previous week was too much of people around me that I...

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in Him

joy . happy . who am I . Found in Christ  God has been teaching me these throughout the week from different people and places. Something that really make me to think, and something that challenges what is me and what is IN me.  joy and happy.  I learned that it's not the same. Joy comes from a deep and lasting fulfillment in...

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sometimes I wonder how people can be so real and true to strangers, their friends about there deepest and darkest secrets. I,myself is not someone like that who is able to totally share out my feelings. I wonder if I am normal or not. I remember once when I cried to God to help me to be normal like others. It's not that...

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Realized that my laptop has been kinda slow these days. Don't know why, probably too much stuff inside. Well, I just found out that my this faithful lappie has been serving me for more than 5 years. And ohhh...I am still loving it.. I found out that when other people uses my laptop, she will suddenly lagged or something wrong will go wrong...

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I am just God's vessel. My job is not to change people or to convert people . My job is not to force them to say the sinners prayer and be done with it. My job is to show them that there is a God who loves them as much as He loves me. My job is to tell them that they are...

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God is looking for imperfect man and woman who have learned to walk in moment-by-moment dependence on the Holy Spirit- Christians who have come to terms with their inadequacies, fears and failures. Believers who have become discontent with 'surviving' and have taken the time to investigate everything God has to offer in this life. - Charles Stanley  God is looking for imperfect man...

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Love Greatly,Bless generously

I have to constantly remind myself that time is too short and if I don't do something with it now, I will lose it forever. So, I decided that I shall start picking up my lazy butt and go out and be a blessing to others. I decided that my 4 years in uni shall not be wasted and I want to start...

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I suddenly was reminded of how last time when I was younger, I thought that I never sinned at all throughout the day because true, I kinda good kid. I am really scared to break the rules la.  So when I was doing my bedtime prayer, I used to struggle asking God for forgiveness for my sins because most of the time, I...

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I know that I keep disappointing you and I can't keep up to your expectations. It is not easy and I felt that it is so unfair to you. I keep flashing back the times, the moments of happiness where we keep laughing, and just enjoy each other's presence. it might not be the same today and I don't know what is for...

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It's been 3 long days of going to convo to congratulate and celebrate the graduation of my PKA seniors. I felt tired and yes, it is not easy to go for every session and throw people up in the air. It requires a lot of patience and determination. Well, I did learn some things being among my close family in uni. I learn...

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It is just so ironic how people keep asking me how I managed to keep a long distance relationship. no. sometimes i fail. And it can be tiring sometimes to try harder and harder.  smile?  ...

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Just back from PKA's Leaders Retreat today. It was a short retreat for leaders to gather and share the vision for the year. It was exciting, as we experienced God's faithfulness and really seeing how amazing he work through the challenges we faced on that day. I can never tell of how real my God is and He is my Heavenly Father.  Ok,...

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the story of the goose

When you see geese flying along in “V” formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly that way. As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in “V” formation, the whole flock adds at least 71 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. People...

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blogging from my workplace! woots! It has been 3 weeks into internship. I can say that so far, it has been good. Thank God! You know,wherever  God has placed me, I am just so thankful and I know that He has placed me here for a reason. some how or the other, everything just works out well. I am thankful for a good...

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[ I looked out the window today and saw people loading up their cars with their luggage and belongings. oh, so emo. and here I am, still have to wait for my turn. 4 more days. and it is finish! =) ] But oh, I went for a prayer walk today with my life group and we decided to walk around my hostel...

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There's a one week gap in between my paper to the next and being hibernating in the room for so long, I spend quite a lot of time browsing through facebook, spying ; looking through my tumblr and posting lots and lots of pictures and reading blogs. And so,I realized how unfruitful I am and how uninspired I became these few days. I...

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Hi, there. Another once in a blue moon post. How has it been? Having finals now,and not a single mood for me to look into the books. So much in my mind that I could not concentrate to do well for my revision. I have my next paper on Wednesday. not this but Next Wednesday. I couldn't stand my butt paining on the...

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26 February

It's been a long long time since I updated my life story here. Yup, every year, I only post once to update. And time and time again, I will say this...TIMES PASSED SO FAST! it's year 2013. February and coming to the end of it. ( what on earth just happened? ) AM I in a time machine ?? Anyway, let me stop...

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