
Monday, September 16, 2013

Just back from PKA's Leaders Retreat today.

It was a short retreat for leaders to gather and share the vision for the year. It was exciting, as we experienced God's faithfulness and really seeing how amazing he work through the challenges we faced on that day. I can never tell of how real my God is and He is my Heavenly Father. 

Ok, I don't want to sound so holy or anything, but I can't help to say that, what an honor to be called His child? Can you imagine the truth that you are actually higher than any other things just because I have a big big big Daddy?

Well, I never realized or really have the 'enlightened' moment of this truth till today. ( imagine a lighted bulb) =D

Our vision for the year is ' Christ Identity, Christ's Ambassador'.

This theme was placed in our hearts, knowing that we,as human, we never really realize who we actually are or what is the purpose of our existence on earth for. We always looked in others/things to help us find what defines us. And it's sad. Because we are blinded from claiming our privileges as children of God which He has given to us through his promises.

Anyway, it is a good time for us to ask ourselves "who am I? " and realize it ourselves instead of hearing it from others.

Of all things that I've learnt and experienced throughout the retreat, here's something that I felt that I should share :

Take a color pencil. Look at it. What do you see?

The Pencil Maker 

When He was packing them in their boxes, the Pencil Maker told the pencils five important lessons : 

  • Everything you do will always leave a mark 
  • You can always correct the mistakes you make 
  • What's more important is what's inside of you
  • In life, you will undergo painful sharpening which will make you a better pencil
  • For you to be the best pencil, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the hands that holds you. 

I've learn to be a pencil. I want to colour people's life and leave a mark there. I want to learn from my mistakes and do better in everything that I do.
Well,I've learn that life is short.Knowing our identity ( even is you are a pencil) will help us achieve even greater things in life. We do not have to lament and live a life of unfulfilled dreams. But right now, there's so much out there for us to do for Him because He has promised us that 'he will be with us everywhere we go till the very ends of the earth'.

And He always remembers and keeps His promises.


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