
OZ Day 5

Saturday, October 17, 2015

After a day in the city, we decided to have some adventure in the other part of the state.

Day 5 begins!

I was still quite tired from all the travelling, and coming to day 5, my body is starting to feel it. No problem, because we drove all the way to Mornington Peninsula to enjoy some natural hot pool! It was roughly an hour plus drive and since I was so tired, I slept most of the time in the car. heheh.

We reached Peninsula Hot Springs by 8 am to get the early bird rate, which is about $24, much cheaper from the off-peak rate,$35 for an adult. Well, the early bird catches the worm! If you want to plan your visit here, do book online early. =)

 The entrance to the Peninsula Hot Spring

 Peninsula Hot Spring is the first natural hot spring and hot spa in Victoria. From what some of the visitors have told me, this place has totally developed into an amazing public hot tub within 5 years. Guessed they have really done a good job, because even walking in, it looked so beautiful with the natural woody designs and trees surrounding it. =)

According to research, regular thermal bathing in natural mineral water will help in normalisation of endocrine glands and assist the nervous system. Other than that, it is also good for your back, heart, arthritis and etc! so many good stuff from a hot pool. God knows best. =D 
so let's get healthy!

 Every thing seems to attract my eyes once I stepped into this place.
I liked how mysterious each path brought us to. 

I just followed my aunt up the steps and along the way, there are hot steams coming out from the different pools on your left and right. I was wondering why aren't we entering any of these pools? Where are we going? but we seems to be going up and up and up... 

and Tadaaaa....the highest pool in the area with a 38 degree Celsius water
The water is so hot yet the wind is so chilly outside
The best combo. =)  

 And if you are wondering what is the point of going to the highest pool? 

Looking into the vast meadow~ 
Can I stay here forever? 

 I enjoy seeing the steam coming out from the pool, moving in and escaping into thin air
while reflecting the sunlight, to create a beautiful rainbow 

 This is the sauna.
And next to it was a Hamam which is a Turkish steam bath (not in this picture). 
After coming out from the sauna, you can jump into the plunge pool which is cold water.
 So refreshing! 

There is an established sequence to enjoy the Turkish bath. Firstly, it is important to heat the body, then cleanse with vigorous scrubbing, followed by massage and cleansing and rinsing.
Going into the Hamam, everyone sits in a circle and in the middle is a large round marble slab. Seems like it is used for people to lie down and get a massage. We sat around the room on a platform and enjoying the steam that flows out and moisten your skin. Well, for me, I couldn't stand that moist smell of sweaty people, and within 10 minutes, I left the room. lol. 

 We enjoyed different pools and this is one of the unusual ones. 
The cave pool and we saw a little swallow flying inside. seems like its their home too.

 This is the reflexology pool. 

My feet feels so happy today! 

 Look at our happy faces too. 
After so many pools, time to cool our body and relax under the sun, while listening to the chirping of various birds

They build a cute hanger out of stones to hang your towels and bath robes. 
so genius. 

I think this was one of the hottest pond and my favorite one - the Hydrojet pool
At 40 degrees, it shoots out strong currents of water and if you put your body on the allocated holes, you get your body massaged by water! so naiseee.. 

 My last dip before leaving. Loving this.

And to enjoy this like little kids,you can do it this way. 

Actually, after telling you guys about the awesomeness of this place, I actually didn't get to dip into anyone of the pools because I had my best friend at that time. how sad!! 
The saddest day of my life. =( 
but anyway, my feet are still very happy. wee~

We left the place and by then, it's late afternoon and our stomach are rumbling and making noises. 
off to go to our next location! 

to the little town of Sorrento


 there's a florist which sells the most beautiful flowers ever. 
so so tempted to bring some home!

home to the famous vanilla slice 

 but most of all, we are here to eat fish and chips!
but we didn't only get that, we bought the whole fisherman's platter which is such a good buy
4 fish+4 scallops+4 calamari + lots and lots of fries = $60

look how big is the fish! as big as my face and those fatty little chip! 
if you are thinking of eating them, you can get fish and chips from 'Fish & Chips' 
in Sorrento

enjoying the fresh produce with a view 

such a beautiful place to enjoy the blue sea.

Leaving my heart at this place as we leave for our next destination. 
The beauty of the blue sea, little flowers popping out from the ground, and birds surrounding our table trying to steal our food will be in my memory. 

So, we left for Cape Schanck. Another 30 mintues from Sorentto. 
It is the most southernmost tip of Mornington Peninsula and it separates the wild ocean waters of Bass Straits from the slightly calmer waters of Western Port. 

fell in love with this lighthouse when i came here the first time..
I find lighthouses so purposeful and inspiring. It attracts me to them.

""He had been my lighthouse, leading me to safe harbor without fail. He'd weathered the storms with me, holding out hope I would find my way to him. His light never flickered, never went out. He was my steadfast beacon - my destination."
- Genna Rulon

 a 15 minutes walk down to the beach

won't be writing much on these and just let the pictures speak by themselves. 

The sun is beginning to set by the time we leave and again, I tried to embrace every moment and absorb the beauty of the scenery before we head back to the bustling city. 
*breathes a huge sigh* 

wait, we are not done with day 5! 
Dinner is ready for us at Aunt's place in Prahran! home cooked food after a long day is so much to wait for. 

yum yum!

ahh. it's been a really long day, but I would not exchange the experiences that I have for anything in this world. nothing. 
Sometimes I realized that it's truly through travels that you understand something clearer about life. it's through the places you been, the beauty of God's creation and how each of these places speaks peace and understanding of who God is. 
and what good way to end this day by coming back to familiar warm home and tell others your stories and adventures you've been through.

so good. 


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