

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Realized that my laptop has been kinda slow these days. Don't know why, probably too much stuff inside. Well, I just found out that my this faithful lappie has been serving me for more than 5 years. And ohhh...I am still loving it.. I found out that when other people uses my laptop, she will suddenly lagged or something wrong will go wrong with it but she always serves me happily. lol.
Ah well, nothing can replace you. You are my first and hopefully, I will never have to replace you because how much you have gone through with me. STPM, my first years in uni and hopefully able to graduate with you too.
So, don't buat hal and be nice to me ok ?

Thanks lappie! your master loves you much.
#there's an expiry to everything but there's no expiry date in God

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