
Focus on things that lasts

Monday, March 14, 2016

Today mum kinda gave me a long lecture about going overseas to work and earn a better living with the hope that my future will be more secure. She elaborated further that it's getting more hopeless living in this country, looking at the economic situation here which is not getting better. 'We earn RM3k, we spend RM3k'. I was just sitting on the sofa while my eyes we fixed on my phone but I was listening, and somehow did consider that I should actually try my luck in getting a job somewhere else.
Surely, living abroad looks nice. I can already imagine the lifestyle that I am living, the things that I can buy, this and that. I can stay there for 5 years and come back, buy a house and it will be a good retirement present for my parents. It all seemed so good. Somehow that particular thought stayed long with me, and slowly, worries, insecurities and more worries about my future and my family's future crept in. I started thinking about so many things that I could't afford and it began to overwhelm me.
I took a step back and I realized that all these things that I am chasing after is beginning to swallow me into a deep pit until I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even with this life that I have, I worried too much on selfish things, earthly things - cars, houses, phones, accessories, etc. Are they all necessary? Do they bring importance to you other than worries? No doubt, that without money, you can't get a roof over your head and I will probably eat dirt to fill my stomach. But once these things bring you away from what God has provided for you and intend to give you, it is no good.

'Modern day society teaches us to be materialistic, so our focus is on monuments and structures. Even the name card we hand out every day is a material possession that focuses on our position more than our character. And because that is the focus, we spend a lot of time chasing things to up lift that position in the hope that, at the end of the day, that is the true definition of who we are.' 
- Soo Ewe Jin

Focus in things that lasts, and that will give us eternal love, joy and peace.

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