
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

There's a one week gap in between my paper to the next and being hibernating in the room for so long, I spend quite a lot of time browsing through facebook, spying ; looking through my tumblr and posting lots and lots of pictures and reading blogs.
And so,I realized how unfruitful I am and how uninspired I became these few days. I began to compare my life with my friends out there who have gone over the seas, travelling and posting about their awesome friendship,food,clothing etc etc.I became very emotional and asked God, is this it? My life, looking at the same old view from my window, same friends, same attitude, same old me?

For God has a plan for me, plan to prosper me and plans not to harm me. 

I guess that probably, everyone has a story and everyone's story is different. I need not to compare but to look at their story and be inspired. One day, I might achieve what I wanted in life also and one day, I shall do what I like to do. Probably, now is not the time yet and yes, there's a season for everything.

I need to constantly put my eyes on Jesus and remind myself that I am here, not for myself but for Him. But well, it's hard. and my butt is getting bigger just sitting here 24 hours. >< I want to do something crazy after this finals!! =) wee!!

If He has a plan, He know when to fulfill that plan, at the right timing. You just need to be patient and not fret and complain. Be thankful!

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