
26 February

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's been a long long time since I updated my life story here. Yup, every year, I only post once to update. And time and time again, I will say this...TIMES PASSED SO FAST!
it's year 2013. February and coming to the end of it. ( what on earth just happened? )

AM I in a time machine ??

Anyway, let me stop these nonsense. It's 12.41 am. Typing in the dark while my room mate is sleeping soundly. I have a 8am class tomorrow but well, the night is at peace with the sound of the fan spinning and the cars speeding through the highway. It's a cool night.

And so, there comes the motivation for me to write. As always. I don't have the habit to write stuff. Only when I feel like it. ( I am such a terrible blogger,man)

Last semester was one of the semester that I experienced so many ups and downs. The busyness sometimes creeps into my soul that I felt so overwhelmed by it. Trying to keep up with my academics and trying to play my role as an EXCO in CF is really really hard. And there were times when I felt like I want to give up. I slept so late every night trying to finish up my assignments and there were events needed to be planned out for PKA. I am physically,emotionally and mentally drained out. At one point, I broke down and cried out to God...Lord, please take this away." (wow..I sounded like I am going to the cross )

Well, practically every morning, before I go to class, I whispered a prayer under my breathe. And indeed, the Lord is my strength for me to continue through the day. Miraculously, I made it through the long lectures. It is quite torturing sometimes when my eyes and mind were tired but I am sure it's God's joy that grant me strength to keep pushing. I had peace in my mind and I am refreshed again and again. I try to balance my academic duties and make sure I had time to do my plannings for Christmas. It is a hard time trying to  meet people between classes and even after classes, I have to meet them for lunch or dinner. that's why....physically I am drained. But still, at the end of the day, I felt at peace and knowing that a newer day is coming tomorrow.

I took up the challenge to lead this year's Christmas celebration. (What?! What did I get myself into? ) And so, the faith-into-action journey starts. This is my first time too, leading an event from scratch. I still remember my first time meeting my committees and coming out with a good theme. It was a scary experience. Trying to work with new people and not knowing how well we will work together is another thing. and what more, making the event to COME TRUE is also mind-boggling. I know that me,Alison can't do it on my own. I am an introvert naturally and leading is not my forte. But as time passes by, God began to speak to me His promises and I learn to surrender my 5 loaves and 2 fishes. I can plan but God is the one who make it work. And indeed, my journey with my committees in planning the Christmas was challenging but at the same time, we had fun. What more we can do? We are just His vessels. As December comes closer, I began to melt in myself. Secretly, I don't know whether I can trust God to do it or not. I don't want it to just be an event and let it be forgotten but I want to make it an impact in my uni. After all the meetings and plannings for the program flow, it happened. And 2 weeks before the event, the event was spammed on the walls of USM students to invite them to come for it. A DONUT CHRISTMAS. What to do? Just do it lah!

Lo and behold, in that week of the event, my lecturer decided to have our mid-sem test. Not one subject, but two. I am thinking," God, why?? "One on the day before Donut Christmas and another on that day itself. And my test is from 5-7pm when my event starts at 7pm. like what?  How to go from one place to another? That time, I really wished I could just sink in the ground. And having to do my last minute plannings and rehearsals gives me no time to really study. I end up studying at 3am just to read through my notes. It was a night I can't forget. My heart and mind keep telling me that I can't do it and I will surely fail my test. And so, I cried. I prayed in my tears and I can just surrender it to God. I close the book and go to bed.

I managed to sit for my test. And rushed back for the Christmas event,in time to make sure everything is in order before the whole thing starts. The speaker arrived and one by one time passes by. Hearing the claps and the seeing the smiles on the faces of the audiences who came. The ice breaker, the dance ,the drama about having a life fulfilled is with Jesus filling our holes. In the end, Christmas carols filled the atmosphere and people wishing one another Merry Christmas with so much joy in their hearts.It was such a great relieve and wow..that burden just flew away from my shoulder. and even more greater joy is that people responded to the call. =) That makes my day even more meaningful.

Well,one part has finished. The awaiting time to get my results for mid test. I thought I failed because my friends answered different points than what I wrote. Miraculously,I managed to get A- and got the highest in my class. like seriously God?? and there, I see God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises to me. When I seek first His Kingdom and righteousness He will add all things that I asked for.

Eventually, semester 1 year 2 ended with finals. It was indeed a semester of seeing God's hand at work in my life. I can't ask for more. God has given me even more than I asked. I experienced how real is HE when I abide in Him and learn to trust Him. I keep telling myself : God is like ....GOD. don't underestimate what He can do. Nothing is too impossible for Him.

And in the end, He still chose to bless me with unexpected results for my finals. A challenge that God had accepted. hehe. I managed to get into the Dean's list. Not me, but Him who put me there. Seriously, I still don't know how it happened after all the breaking downs in the middle of the nights and the amount of time studying that I put into it. No, I did nothing.

He did that for me.

I just want to glorify Him in all things. Not me but Him. My Father who arts in Heaven. =)

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