
Friday, June 21, 2013

[ I looked out the window today and saw people loading up their cars with their luggage and belongings.
oh, so emo.
and here I am, still have to wait for my turn. 4 more days. and it is finish! =) ]

But oh, I went for a prayer walk today with my life group and we decided to walk around my hostel area, RST.

The sky was colourful, though there are reported haze going on now, but yes, it was indeed a beautiful evening. The clouds were puffy and the moon is beginning to come out. We walked and walked up the hill, under our breathe, we said our prayers.
Along the way,we stopped to pray for one of the examination halls. I looked to the sky and saw 2 birds flying so happily. I felt God asking me to pray for freedom in this campus. And I prayed. I realized that there's a different kind of atmosphere here in uni these few days. People chained to their negativity, bounded by burdens from the world today. I realized how much we,as human need to learn, that sometimes we need to be like those birds. And remember how God feeds them and even how He clothes the lilies of the field. We don't have to worry much, but totally dependent on Him alone.

We continued our walk to our next stop. We stopped at the girl's block. Immediately, a thought ran through my mind. I realized how human can be hidden behind these walls. These buildings that I see in front of me looks fine. The fans are spinning and everyone is busy with their own routine. But, if I take a look deeper, I saw people who are depressed, stressed out, lack of love and attention, people crying out for help, lonely, lost, and etc. I prayed for protection and healing over these people. The walls need to be broken down and I pray that these individuals who are searching for an answer to their hurts and disappointments might find the answer in God.

We ended our prayer walk and gave a short sharing of what we have received and what God has impressed in our hearts. Thinking back, I realized how little I prayed for USM, the land God has placed me in. I never really thought that I need to pray for this place and there's not really a big burden for me to pray. Today, my eyes are opened to the needs of the people here. A need for a Saviour. hmm. One of the things that my friend shared was that the atmosphere in USM will be set by the christians here. It's either we do something to bring Christ's love or let the enemy bring in his troops.

Today, I learned so much from just a simple walk in the evening. I pray that I will have a deeper burden for his people my mission field, USM. =) hope you do too.

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