
What are my values?

Sunday, July 17, 2016

God reminded me through a conversation with a good friend this week. I was just telling her some of my challenges at work, and discussing how it is becoming hard for me to portray myself as a disciple of Christ there. hmm. Last time, I've always wondered why is it so hard for Christians to be a disciples of Christ at work. Aren't you proud of being a follower of Jesus? Well, I can laugh at myself now as I now understood the challenge and it is indeed not easy at all. Well, I am not saying that I am not proud of whom I place my trust and faith in. It's the matter of living them out at your workplace. 

It is a challenge. First, to hold on to your values that have been instilled in you since young. Second, making them understand the values that you hold since most of them were of different beliefs and background.

Well, as we talked, I realized that there's some things in life that needed to be changed to make you a better person but there's also things that you hold on to, that makes you. Often, as life goes and begin to run on the high lane, we forgot those values that makes us, that we need to hold on to no matter what happens. And so, she told me of some of the practical ways for me to remind us of our values - to write them down and paste it everywhere I see. 

So here, I am posting it to the web where I can see it anywhere:- 

1. To always put GOD first. Family, Friends and then Work. ( I think this is my biggest challenge now, as it is always the other way round...)
2. I am going to my workplace, first as an ambassador of Christ. - make your workplace (no matter where) as your mission field. and seek to extend God's love.
3. To do my best in everything I do, seeking Him first and giving all the glory to God.
4. To be an encourager, supporter and friend - to bring a smile into every lives that comes across me.
5. Be humble and lead with humility. Serve others before you. 
6. Every season is a lesson. They build you up. So take every opportunity to learn with a grateful heart. Do not complain.

Probably this isn't totally 'values' per say, but I think it's some sort of a constant reminder of what I believe in. 

I think sharing it out here will be one of the ways to make me more mindful and accountable. By God's sufficient grace he will go before us and lead us to be more and more like Him everywhere we go. 

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