
in Him

Saturday, October 26, 2013

joy . happy . who am I . Found in Christ 

God has been teaching me these throughout the week from different people and places. Something that really make me to think, and something that challenges what is me and what is IN me. 

joy and happy. 
I learned that it's not the same. Joy comes from a deep and lasting fulfillment in Christ. but being happy is just a short term emotion that is caused by the environment. It is external. Sometimes can be faked. Joy come from His strength, and knowing that though situations might not be always good and bright, but there's still joy in us, because He is in us, giving us that joy giving strength to go on and on. Do I have joy today? I asked myself. Well, probably I can say that I am still in the process of it,because there's just so much more that God has install for me, but I never tapped into that promises. And probably that is the root to the fruitless self. Do you have the joy? 

who am I? 
identity crisis? hm. God has been making me to think about this question over and over again. Partly, because I am sharing about this topic in my CG. It was tough to share it, if you yourself is not convinced about who you are and what you are. It challenges me to think deep and be convicted that indeed, I am simply God's beloved child. As a Christian for probably whole of my life, I thought I knew who I am as His child because well, the church, bible, etc has been teaching it and I just received it based on head knowledge and for the sake of listening but never really hit me like hard hit until now. Knowing just how awesome to be called GOD'S CHILD is simply just MIND BLOWING. ahh.*screams* 
Do you know how much power you have in you? Do you know how much crazy awesome our life can be as His child? Do you know what privileges He has given to you just because you are now a part of His family?
I heard this illustration by the speaker on Friday during CF.you know it's like you live in daddy's house, you know as his daughter, and bearing his surname, you can just go in and out of the house. you can drink and eat freely because you know who you are in the house. you are a part of the family. But this privilege excludes outsiders, those who aren't the family. strangers can't simply come into the house without permission or they will be trespassing. it is just like that in God's kingdom. To be in His family, God adopted me as His child, and now, I can have the authority and privileges that non-family won't get to experience. 
Knowing this truth is important, because missing it means missing A WHOLE LOT of things that God has for you and you will live a non fulfilled life, and life lacking assurance from Him.If we don't know who we are in Christ, our faith will be crippled. 

found in Christ
imagine you are a slip of crumpled paper, all messed up and ugly. but once you are put in between the pages of a book what do you see? nothing, but only the book.it's the same concept. being found in Christ means being hidden in Him! my flaws and ugliness is no more, but all you see is Him. 
Most people define them self and thought they know who they are, by the things that they do, and by the things they thought they know best. without it, they will die kind of thing (lol!) But, just imagine it being stripped away from them, no, they won't die but there will such a big emptiness and "lostlesness" in their life. They will be clueless of what's next? A painter is not just a person who paints a beautiful picture but in reality, that painter is someone loved by God. that painter is just good at painting but it actually don't define him. there's more than the paint brushes and colours he paints his pictures with. 
found in Christ, there's so much more to it than this. and there's still a long journey of discovering Him and my life in Him. Am I found in Him? or I just want to be found somewhere else? 

A time of so much of reflection that walking back from classes and even going around Penang for jalan-jalan today makes it more meaningful. So much to know, so much to discover, so much to understand. I need God's wisdom. =) 

stay blessed. 

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