

It's been almost three months up north. So fast , times just fly pass by...just like that. I somehow wished I could turn back the clock. To the times when I can just relax and chill, enjoy the people around me and appreciate them. I can't somehow. I realized that I am such a ungrateful person. I don't know how to appreciate even...

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Let's just Kiss and say Goodbye

This is got to be the saddest day of my life I call you here today for a bit of bad news I won't be able to see you anymore Because of my obligations and the ties that you have We've being meeting here everyday And since this is our last day together I wanna hold you Just one more time When you...

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dear bright star,

I still remember the first night that we met. The cool night as we sat by the pool, just looking upon the stars and just wishing that time would just stop. Oh, how silly are we to wish that. Time never stops and it never will no matter how much we wished it could. Time has caused us to meet and it is...

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thank you for every blessings ...

It's been a long while since I've posted here. How am I? you wonder...Life has been good to me so far. and God has not stop pouring His abundance of blessings upon me. Truly, I am awed by His great love towards me because many times I have failed Him again and again but still, He is just and faithful to forgive me.Time...

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Dear daddy,

Dear daddy,It's me, your daughter speaking to you right now. Can you hear me?well, I can't speak to you directly because I don't have the courage to speak these three words to you. " I LOVE YOU"Daddy,I will be honest to you today. There were times that I wished you were there to see me dance. There were times when I prayed hard...

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hey guys,here's my tumblr.But will continue writing here too, just only when I have stuffs to write about.=)enjoy ya.http://bluebutterfly-91.tumblr.com/ ...

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Indah pada waktuNya

Ada waktu untuk berdukaada waktu untuk bersukarada waktu untuk berdiamada waktu untuk berkatanamun di atas segalanyaku tau Tuhanku berkerjamendatangkan kebaikanbagi yang mengasihinyaDi saat yang ku alamitak seperti yang ku inginidi saat tiada jawapanmengapa harus terjadiMungkin ku tak fahamiapa yang kini aku alaminamun ku tahu pastikasih Tuhanku takkan berhentiAkanku serahkan semuanyaPergumulan padamu Yesuskerana ku pastiSemuanya akan menjadiIndah pada waktunya ...

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Time Keeper

I waited for you but you did not come. It saddens my heart to know thatI am not that importantin your life after all. So tonightI will just leaveand let tomorrow come. Oh,hopefully tomorrow will be better and that the dark clouds will disappear.For the star I wished upon tonight did not appear.But let me tell you, I will still be here waiting,...

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Dear Mummy,

20 years ago, on 7th June 1991 you gave birth to me. I know that words could not describe the pain you went through and the tears you shed while giving birth. Some people say that child birth is one of the most painful pain that a human can endure...I couldn't thank you enough for bearing through the pain and of course bringing...

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what is love?

Am I yours ?you will never understand till you are in it. XD ...

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Be glorified

It is awesome the way you work.You never forget what I asked You when I was still small.You've kept your promise.Today will be the day to testify of your goodness.Love you,Daddy. ...

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Lord I'm Amazed

The greatest LOVE ever.How can God ever love me?A sinner ?that is why, I am amazed.i heart you For the love that you have poured for meoh,how wide,how deep,how awesome are you. ...


my heart

Have I told you lately that I love you? Have I told you lately there no one else above you Fill my heart with gladness Take away all my sadness Ease my troubles, that's what you do. - Rod StewartWhen I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are- Bruno MarsSome say...

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amazing L.O.V.E

i'm forgiven because You were forsaken i'm accepted, You were condemned and i'm alive and well Your Spirit lives within me because You died and rose again. Amazing love how can it be?That You my king should die for me? Amazing love i know its true Its my joy to honour you, in all i do, i honour you." it was now the...

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It was so quiet as I sat near the pool side tonight.no sound was heard,only the sound of water flowingand the soft, gentle, cool night air.Though the stars tonight were unseen,but I had one beside me.It was brighter than any others.As we talked on and onfor hours.I don't feel like going home.But yet, the clock struck 12 midnight.Its time to gobefore the spells...

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i AM HAPPY TODAY!love to see the balloons flying into the sky.i like balloons. =)it makes me happy too. ...

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I hate the way you treat me.Fine.Just forget about it. ...

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a Note to Myself

Dear Alison,I know what you've been thinking these few days. You're wondering where your future will be and you are worried that things might not be like what you think it is. But don't worry, because God has planned it all for you. Surrender your worries and anxieties to him. He can take it. Since He has taken it all on the cross....

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Do you have a diary? I do. I realized that this year, my diary is full of ups and downs. Crazy. but every time I read back, I will laugh at all those silly things I am feeling at that time. Sometimes I don't understand why I wrote them. Sometimes I learned that I am a human too. I am not a happy...

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of emotions.

I didn't expect it will be answered this quick. emotions is crazy.it's really tiring.one moment you are happythe next moment, the smile fades away.and then, you find yourself hiding behind those happy faces. when actually...sigh. so what does it mean now?you tell me. ...

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it's April...

I can't describe my feelings right now.Many thoughts in my mind these few days.I just can't comprehend it like I usually do.It's just very tiring thinking about it.Sometimes, I would find my mind wandering off into the skies,with so many questions in my mind.How to answer every single one of those?I realized that time will only reveal them.I will have to trust in...

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Life explained.

hahha...this is quite funny.On the first day God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years." The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll give you back the other ten."So...

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NEED TO BE INSPIRED ONCE AGAIN.what about you? ...

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Who am I?

I spend my time quietly looking out the window as I stare at the moving trees, and looking up the beautiful evening sky. I asked my self, who am I ?The question was stuck in my mind till I reached my destination. Do I have the answers yet?I realized that I do. I think its just that I can't write them out in...

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I have in my hands two boxes,Which God gave me to hold.He said, 'Put all your sorrows in the black box,And all your joys in the gold.'I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,Both my joys and sorrows I stored,But though the gold became heavier each day,The black was as light as before.With curiosity, I opened the black,I wanted to find out...

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sometimes, I just don't understand it.but I will just follow and try to obey them. Maybe they know what is best for me.But it is just hard.I will let my excitement go this time. Again. Let them decide.I will just be the good child and follow.God,help me. forgive me for every anger I have caused. I am sorry for not obeying them. Heal...

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of Jigsaw Puzzles

When it comes to jigsaw puzzle, we all know that to enjoy a satisfying outcome you need all the pieces. In many ways, life is like that. We spend our days putting it together, hoping to create a complete picture out of all the scattered parts.Yet sometimes, it seems like a piece is missing. Perhaps we've been pursuing the wrong pieces to the...

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I try to tell myself over and over again that I have done my best, and I need to thank God for my results.3.67 with 2As and 2B+But if you want me to be honest,deep within my heart,I still wonder why didn't I get the A for my Business paper. Haven't I done enough to make colourful notes for me to remember? Haven't...

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dear friend,

Dear friend,I hope that you will forgive me for what I did.I am sorry.I have caused the deep hole in your heart.A hole that can't be covered any more,A pain that can't be erased,I feel the pain too, you know.But my dear friend,Let me tell you this,I will always be there for you, no matter what happens.I hope I will be better next...

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Dear Daddy,I thank you that you have shown us what true LOVE really means.Daddy, I thank you that I am so blessed with many great friends that I can share this LOVE today. Friends whom I can trust and cherish forever, friends that makes sure that I can smile everyday, friends that have helped me through difficult times and friends that I can...

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my wish

when the rain stops falling,there the rainbow comes out.the wet soilthe breathe of fresh airthe sound of birds chirpingand the laughter of children playing is heard again.I wished that the rain will stop soon.So that i can see the colours of the rainbow piercing through the clouds,so that i can feel the moist soil under my feet,so that i can remember once again...

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With Love

It hurts me when my mum is the one who says sorry to me when I am the one who is supposed to say that." Mummy, don't need to say sorry coz its not you fault. Its mine. I am sorry ma...I love you."with love,your daughter ...

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kiss the rain

I am trying to learn this song, Kiss the Rain by Yiruma.Hopefully I can. =_)I just don't know.Don't ask me. ...



When I am feeling down and sad , it always rains.It is raining now again. Is this God's way of comforting me?haih...And the rain is getting heavier and heavier.I just wished this never happened at the first place.I am so sorry. ...

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going back home...

while most people would be excited to go back to their hometown, meeting their popo, kong kong, uncles ,aunties and cousins during this season...but well, I am the opposite case. This is the time of the year where I don't actually look forward to except just to take ang pau. and that's all.It all started many years ago...and it didn't end until now....

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since I don't know mandarin, this is helpful for me to read at least 'xin nian kuai le' .Happy Chinese New Year my dear friends!always must 'kuai le' ya!<3 ...

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I tried to be a good friend for you. But I think I have failed to be one. I tried to be a good friend for you. But I think I have failed to be one. ...

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Have you ever felt the emptiness inside you?That you have done everything and nothing will fill that 'hole' within you ?friends , movies, Facebooks, tv shows, family...Well, I am feeling that right now.I realized that everything seems to be meaninglessHow, if I have gained the whole world but then losses my soul?The world seems to offer many things to me...Things that tempt me...

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I will just let these words speak for it self. <3 ...

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I don't know where my future lies.But all I can do is just to know thatmy future lies in the hands of my Father. God has a great plan for me. I know it.But I need to find that PLAN. Sometimes,its hard to know that right plan that he has for youuntil you are in it.Then it is whether to thank God for...

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We need to L.O.V.E LIFE!We need to L.I.V.E LIFE to the fullest!so come on...LETS L.I.V.E it!Currently reading New Moon by Stephenie Meyer.Since it was presented to me by my 'fake bro' and since I have so much free time right now. I thought I could use my time wisely.Oh dear, tell me. Its a boring book.I am trying to find books by Karen...

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Counting my blessings

A year ago, I am still a student, still a 19 years old, still kinda childish, still hesitating my future, still unsure of what's gonna happen next, and still unsure of His love for me.Well, this may come a little too late. But still, its never too late to tell of His great love for me, His unending mercies and His uncountable blessings...

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Its 1.17 am

My new year resolution :A new BLOGhere it goes...=)love alie ...

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