

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

It's been almost three months up north. So fast , times just fly pass by...just like that. I somehow wished I could turn back the clock. To the times when I can just relax and chill, enjoy the people around me and appreciate them. I can't somehow. I realized that I am such a ungrateful person. I don't know how to appreciate even the biggest blessing I have. I am learning to grab hold of God's blessings and tell Him each morning a big ' THANK YOU'.

It rained just now. (oh well, it rained practically everyday) and well, it brought me back to the times I was down again. The feeling was just there. I laughed and joked around with my friends as we walked through the rain towards the bus stop, going back. But just deep within me I can't help but to reminiscence the moment I was in the rain with you. The rain drops were so light as it touches my face, and I felt that all my worries were gone. I felt that. Somehow, the deep stirring in my heart remains there. I tried to ask myself what is going on within me. I think I know...but I felt like I can't tell anybody here. I wished I had. =(

sigh. oh God, I need you right now. I hate this feeling. I need to be still once again and come back to the place you had for me. I don't seem to be seeing the path you have prepared for me.

I wished I can talk to you.

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