
Counting my blessings

Friday, January 07, 2011

A year ago, I am still a student, still a 19 years old, still kinda childish, still hesitating my future, still unsure of what's gonna happen next, and still unsure of His love for me.

Well, this may come a little too late. But still, its never too late to tell of His great love for me, His unending mercies and His uncountable blessings He had poured out into my life so far, to guide me through the tough life in Form 6.

Looking back, I am not even supposed to enter into St.John's. To cut the story short, I SUDDENLY found out that I am at the gates of St.John's one morning. Yeap.just suddenly. I don't even know what happened. (maybe a little but still very sudden)
Looking at it now, its truly God's blessing. If I've not been able to enter this school, wow....I would have missed these great people that I have met here, and the wonderful memories that they have created in my life. Seriously. and you wouldn't have known me.=(

Time passed so quickly. I still remembered my first prayer as I stepped into this school compound, asking God to strengthen me. I am scared and lonely.and everything and everyone seems so strange to me. Never in my mind would I know that the 'everyone' that looked strange on the first day would be one of the best persons I've ever met in my life.

All the memories that have been crafted being with you guys were priceless. I enjoyed every moment in class as we studied together, especially maths and Econs. The nonsense and jokes that you guys randomly crack made L6A1 and U6A1 more lively. PA was a test of boredom.I bet it passed with flying colors. But yet, thanks, James for sometimes writing the stuffs on your laptop.At least it does help to take a little bit of boredom away. Business was another subject that passed the boredom test with flying colours. Anyway, I still thank God that I have survived every single one of these classes. Wow...I don't want it to repeat again. But still, I thank God for Pn.Azila and Pn.Najibah for every lessons they have taught us no matter what our faces shows. ><
Econs was the most enjoyable class, I would say. With Ms.Low's 'nagging' and her cute smile. I always try not laughing whenever she try so hard not to laugh at our jokes and comes out with that 'smile'. She is just so adorable. Well, thanks to her, I love Econs. and oh, we had so much fun with the 'craft' session we did to encourage us to work even harder. I still have it stuck on my closet.

Many people have went through Form 6 life and came back telling how great it was. I truly can testify of it. It was great.
But well, life was both enjoyable and yet painful too,as we prepare for the final test. It was one of the craziest moments in my life. The time and tears, literally spent on studying practically every single pages of the books. (4 hours is not enough).It was unexplainable. I was so drained emotionally and physically that all I could do is crying out for God's guidance and strength. And yes, He always did. He never fail to speak words of encouragement through His promises.

So do not fear, for I am with you
do not be dismayed, for I am your God
I will strengthen you and help you
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

The sun rises and the sun sets. But His faithfulness endures forever. This verse especially helped me to finish the race, and to finish it well. =)

Oh well, exam is over. The times in St.John's has now ended. How much we wished to go back to the glorious times we had, we can't. But all we could do is just look forward to greater times we will enjoy together,hopefully.
I will never forget every birthdays we planned and celebrate, every laughter we laughed till we cry, every good results we shared and even every bad results that we cried together. It is all worth it.
Now, we could look forward to a new chapter in our life. Uni life, work life, marriage, kids and then ...in heaven ?

All the best my dear friends in your future. Thanks for everything.
I love you all.

Thank GOD for you all.
PS /1: I just wonder if I wasn't in St.John's where would I be. oh dear...
PS /2 : I love the Christmas tree!

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