
Dear daddy,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dear daddy,

It's me, your daughter speaking to you right now. Can you hear me?
well, I can't speak to you directly because I don't have the courage to speak these three words to you. " I LOVE YOU"

I will be honest to you today. There were times that I wished you were there to see me dance. There were times when I prayed hard that you will attend my award ceremonies, to see your daughter receiving her award and to hear you say that you are proud of me. There were moments that I prayed that you will not have to work any longer.

But daddy,
I know why you couldn't not see me dance and I know the reason you did not attend my awards. I know. Thank you daddy for all these while that you have been strong for us. I know you wanted to come and I know how much you don't want to miss those moments when your children have their one moment in time. You have worked hard these years to provide food and shelter for your family. Its been a rough journey for you and we could see it through the wrinkles on your face, your hardened shoulder and your graying hair.

Thank you daddy.
I just wanna say these words. Forgive me for all the times that I have failed you. For the times that I did disappoint you. I know that you really do love me when you say those words so that I will not fall. But when I do fall, I know that you are there to pick me up and tell me that it's alright.
Daddy, that's all I wanna say and it's from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much and I love you.

your beloved daughter.

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