
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I try to tell myself over and over again that I have done my best, and I need to thank God for my results.
3.67 with 2As and 2B+

But if you want me to be honest,
deep within my heart,
I still wonder why didn't I get the A for my Business paper. Haven't I done enough to make colourful notes for me to remember? Haven't I memorize enough for those facts to clog my brains?

I just wished I have done a little bit better. Maybe a slight mistakes here and there. Maybe I am just over confident. I guessed so.

I am sorry Lord, if I am writing these now. I just wished I could have gotten 3 As. I don't know. it won't happen.
But whatever it is, I am really thankful O God for Maths. I have never expected it. It is truly by your grace! Thank you, O God!
and thank you for the good results my dear fellow classmates got! I am so happy for them!

Oh well God, you know what is best for me, you know my future well. I am just gonna trust you and hold you tight that I will not fall away. Help me to walk in your will, O God.
I praise you for today, for everything. I just hope that I did not fail you..

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