
thank you for every blessings ...

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

It's been a long while since I've posted here. How am I? you wonder...Life has been good to me so far. and God has not stop pouring His abundance of blessings upon me. Truly, I am awed by His great love towards me because many times I have failed Him again and again but still, He is just and faithful to forgive me.

Time passed so fast. The month of July has just flew in such a short time and now, we say hello to the month of patriotism and next would be festivals ,celebrations and open houses. The time of the year is here again. Yeap, looking back, this year has been one of the best years in my life. Its the year when I turned 20 and forget about the teen clubs, experiencing moments in life which I will never forget and going through a lifelong self discovery.

This 8 months of 'break' from any studies has been a great time, I would say. Many people complain about what a waste of time not doing anything but just waiting for university to open its doors to future graduates. However, this few months has been so precious to me. It brought me to a new level of self discovery where I get to know more about myself. I realized and learned that having a quiet time in the morning, just looking out into the windows and pondering can be productive too. I have searched myself deeper, asking questions I've never dared to ask myself and even realizing my inner strengths.I learn about my goals in life.
Those were the moments where I learned to open my eyes to appreciate everything, everyone and every single details around me. I know that moments like this will never last. Therefore, God has helped me to be appreciative of everything that happened to me, and never take it for granted.

I love to just quieten down myself in the morning, having my devotion before the Lord and asking His directions in life and yearning for His will to be done in my life. I have began to hunger for more of His word and His voice to speak to me. Well, God has been really good to me. I could never thank Him enough for all that He has done for me. I want to please Him in everything I do and praise Him in times of sadness and happiness. I know that my God is a great God and He has taken my life into His palms. I learned to put my trust into Him once again and renew a new found faith in Him.

Well, in the beginning of the long holiday, I have written my goals that I've hoped to achieve during this holiday. I am glad that I've managed to accomplished most of them, all by God's grace. This is what I've done throughout this few months.:
1. Reading.
- I've managed to read a few books though I'm not an avid reader.I've realized the power of reading. It brings us to a new level of wisdom and imagination. I just feel smarter after reading. =)
- Sister's Keeper, Kite Runner, Passion and Purity, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Like Dandelion's Dust
- 2 more books to go. hopefully I have the time.

2. Made a scrapbook
- I did a photo scrapbook of all the memories with my dear friends during form 6.It took a while to finish it and happy how it came out. I realized that memories are so precious and they should be treasured.
- I've squeezed out my creative juice to make a handmade scrapbook for my kor's birthday too. It was one of my most greatest craft I've ever done. and I made it out of love. <3

3. Go shopping
=p yeap. I've done enough shopping throughout this holiday. but yea, still it's not enough as I've got to do more shopping now to get ready for uni.

4. Piano
- I didn't managed to learn up the piece from Yiruma,Kiss the Rain. Didn't have the patience to do that. hehe..but managed to improve my piano skills so that I can worship God and serve Him in church with my 5 loaves and 2 fishes.

5. Youth
- My journey with the youths in my church have been amazing.We've gone through many happy moments together and I'm glad for where we've come so far.They have been apart of my life and I have rise up to worship lead and even conduct a program on one of the Saturday. Glad for God's open doors to serve Him in this ministry.

6. Church
-My mission in life is to serve God wherever He placed me. Church has been my number one priority and so far, I've never regretted it. Though there were times I've to reject countless hang out with friends just to commit to church, I've seen God's hand in everything.
- I began to come to Prayer Meetings every Wednesday and it is awesome!
- Felt so much belonged to a local body of Christ. I am not lost. =)
- I've began to be more confident in playing the keyboard for worship. It is a really really long time...
-first time backup singing! and I love it...

7. Mission
- I've managed to join an Orang Asli Mission Trip to Raub! One of the best experience in life. Truly, it was an eye opener and awesome to worship God in bahasa. It's really different and the kids were amazing!! They sang their hearts out. oh ya...and its the first time I've ever lead the children ministry! and its so great to see their hungry eyes wanting to learn more of God. And yes, sharing my testimonies to the OA in bahasa. Thank God I managed to go through it.

8. Traveling
- Traveling is one of my favourite thing to do. Just going about to different places and experiencing their cultures and seeing God's creation in another land is awesome. It is really an eye opener.
- Its been a busy 2 months, June and July. From Church camp in Port Dickson to Singapore to Australia and at last to Raub.
-Singapore was really the time where I've got to spend quality time with my sis. I can't ask for a better traveling partner than her. we eat, laugh, play and angry together. I now can tell people that I've been to the land under the sun. It was really hot and came back sun burned. It is really a city of fines because every sign we see is "don't do this, don't do that" and we managed to go to many places on our own. Backpacking is not as easy as it sounds because it can be really tiring!!
- Australia is a blessing from heaven. I did not pay throughout the whole trip because of my generous aunt. I came back only to realize I only spent $68 there. hehee...going there alone is a good experience. I've learned to be thankful for the humid weather in Malaysia because you will never want to be there during winter, and yes, the coldest winter. I went there and came back putting on 4 kilos. so, imagine how much I ate there. Their food is so glorious and rich!you will never come back thinner even if you want to.

9. Tumblr and blogging
- I've started tumblring and blogging. so here I am , writing.

10. LOVE
yeap, my eyes and thoughts towards 1 Corinthians 13 has changed. It never got so real before

11. Working!
- experienced working part time for MIFF in KLCC for 5 days as an usherer. It was a bittersweet experience because I get to work with my close friends but the pain I've got after standing for so long, and yes the scar at the back of my feet due to shoe malfunction is still there.=(
- worked as data miner for ChartNexus in Bangsar. It was nice and relaxing working there but can be quite boring too. haha...nothing much gained but a good pay. =)

So, there it is. my life throughout this 8 months. Words can't describe the experiences I've got and memories that I've gained. I will cherish it. but one word, GOD. He is behind every treasures I've found. and still finding. Just recently, I have accepted the offer by USM to study Economics. Another blessing from God, I supposed. I took it knowing that, what could be better than this? Indeed , His hands is guiding my every step. I thank God for every single blessings He has poured out.

That is my DAddy. and all glory and thanks to Him. =)

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