
going back home...

Friday, February 04, 2011

while most people would be excited to go back to their hometown, meeting their popo, kong kong, uncles ,aunties and cousins during this season...but well, I am the opposite case. This is the time of the year where I don't actually look forward to except just to take ang pau. and that's all.
It all started many years ago...
and it didn't end until now. The problem doesn't seem to disappear.

But oh well, God is really good. As we journeyed back from KL to our hometown in Sitiawan, Perak I enjoyed the close bond that I shared among my siblings. The eating and munching along the way was what I enjoyed the most. Even though the car might a little bit too cramp for all 6 of us to sit, but then we shared our space well and everyone get to have a good sleep along the way. =)

And besides that, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the golden paddy fields and lembu-s along the way. Oh ya...we saw some lembu-s with white bangau-s living happily together. haha..
As daddy drive us back to our hometown, I never stopped thinking and pondering upon many blessings that God has poured on me. I just can't stop imagining if God would have place me in some kind of kampung, harvesting paddy and eating the same food everyday. hmm...how would my life be? Oh...I just thank God that I wasn't in that situation!

After more than 4 hours ( I know its kinda long, but 'biar lambat, asalkan selamat'. that is my father's stand) we reached our hometown, the place where wonderful memories were built when we are still very young.
As we drive through the familiar roads, we realized how much the place where we used to hang out and play with neighbours, friends and family have changed along the years. It wasn't the same anymore. Our hearts broke into pieces. There were long grasses and bushes everywhere, the house where me and my sister usually play in was no longer there. It became a house for harvesting bird nest. Left and right, everything seemed to change. The cool, fresh air we usually breathe was exchanged with heat rising from everywhere. The place is so hot!
At last, we came to my grandma's house. A wooden old bungalow where my grandparents, my dad and his brothers have lived throughout their lives. It was empty except for a few foreigners renting out the place. Oh dear...how my heart breaks upon seeing that house! It was unrecognizable! It now seems like a haunted house with lalangs growing everywhere! We try to capture the picture of the house before it will soon turn into dust in the next few years...

The next day, we took the opportunity to visit places we have fond memories of. One of which is my uncle's mushroom farm. I can still remember when I was small, I helped my uncle cutting mushroom roots and seeing mushrooms growing in smelly wooden huts. The place was still there but then many things have changed.

As we journeyed back to KL, we can't helped talking about the younger years that we missed so much. When everything was still the same and when family ties are still very strong. When the familiar roads are still there and the same laughter could still be heard.
Oh well, time flies so quickly. The world is changing. I think in a few years time, my kampung would no longer be a kampung but a city. Wooden houses will be replaced with tall concrite buildings and palm trees will be replaced with lamp posts.

Still, I thank God that the memory is still very vivid in our minds and it will never be erased.

Therefore,my dear friends, cherish what you have now before it is gone. =)

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