
Dear Mummy,

Sunday, May 08, 2011

20 years ago, on 7th June 1991 you gave birth to me. I know that words could not describe the pain you went through and the tears you shed while giving birth. Some people say that child birth is one of the most painful pain that a human can endure...I couldn't thank you enough for bearing through the pain and of course bringing me into this dark world.

You have held me in your hands since young, never letting me go because you know best. The world is dark and dangerous out there and you are there to guide me so that I will not fall. There are many times that I insist of freedom, to be released from the grip of your hands and you let me. But I fell. Many times I came back and cried in your arms. But you told me over and over again, " Don't worry, I am always there for you." You let me fall but you are always there to make sure I got back on my feet and learn from my mistakes.

There are no words to express my thanks and gratitude to you. No woman can ever replace you. You will always be in my heart. Thank you for who I am today. Thank you for every sacrifices you made and thank you for all the years of bringing me up. You are the best,mummy. All I could say is I LOVE YOU and you will always be the BEST MUM in this world to me. I hope to make you proud and not letting you down.

Ma, I

So on this day, I wish you a BLESSED MOTHER's DAY!

your daughter

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