
the rose

the end of another year. and I could say, what a year! unlocked new achievements, slacked in some ways, stronger in different sides, different in many views. I could say that this was not an easy year for me, I guessed I am not alone, with other Malaysians as well. Many bits and parts of me bleed with the events that my country...

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you know as you grow older, you are expected to know alot of things .. this is cause when I was little, i used to see how mummy do errands for the family, like paying bills, banking stuff and all.. and I still remember thinking "oh no, how will I know what to do when I grow big? " now as I am...

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bus driver

you know, God do hear your little prayers ! wee~ so happy when it happens. sometimes small things like that strengthens our already tiny faith-like-mustard-seed faith. Was going to a Kompleks Penyayang that day to get my Rainbow Run t-shirt by bus. And so, since I have never been there, and I was kinda worried that I will get lost, so I said...

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What is the truth? do anyone knows the answer to it? ...

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along the beautiful street of penang

the first time in my life that a stranger came and say that to me.i call it verbal assault. and I never felt so vulnerable as a women walking along the street before.  what kind of sick head would do that?  you don't do that to your daughter. you need to know what is respect to women. #wannascreamandkickhisdowntheresohardithurtsbadlyandhewillcrylikeababy!  ...

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How should I balance up doing what I want to do, my dreams..etc and money?  Seems like money is quite important factor in order for me to make my choice. ahh. No money, no talk. But God say, give and you will receive more. how did that even happen..?  I can only trust Him.  oh. alright.  #it's important to save money! ...

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what if I have not changed for the better, but for worse? ...

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tested love

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."  Matthew 25:36 Love was being tested today.  Dear...

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Perhaps only when human effort had done it's best and failed,would God's power alone be free to work. - The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom ...

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It's convo season in uni right now. so, I saw something that brought tears to my eyes today. As I was walking, I passed a grandma who was on walking stick. From the pace of her walk, she is having lots of difficulty getting strength from her fragile legs to make her take the next step. her maid was beside her holding her...

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Coming into my final year and convocation for the seniors and my batch friends. These periods. ugh. you see them coming into university with you and they leave you behind. so sad. And been seeing so many unknown faces around university nowadays. oh, how I missed those people I used to see hanging around the foyer, studying, eating ..doing what they loved best....

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Love.How did one show it? How could God Himself show truth and love at the same time in a world like this? By dying. ...

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It's getting harder to speak words out from my mouth. Just would like to remain silent and let God be my listener. Silently. ...

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crystal home

Be joyful in Hope, patient in Affliction, faithful in Prayer.  "What is your ambition when you grow up?"  "erm..I want to be a pastor!!" "I want to be a scientist!" "I want to be an automobile engineer" (woah) "I want to be bomba!" "When I grow up, I want to be a police man!" "I want to be a chef"  Spending time with...

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who is this?

The inside of me sometimes reveal her bad self.  Things that the world doesn't know before. even the me doesn't know.  Sometimes I wonder, who is this person. Hmm. Changed?  The inside of me sometimes reveal her bad self.  Things that the world doesn't know before. even the me doesn't know.  Sometimes I wonder, who is this person. Hmm. Changed?  ...

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discovery channel

You know, I have this problem of learning things. I forget very quickly and especially in things that God is speaking to me or teaching me at that moment. Is it me or the general human is like that?  hm. (so you know that, even though I enter uni, I might have forgotten every single things - how sad.)  So, I went to...

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I will kneel in the dust at the foot of the cross, where mercy paid for me. Where the wrath I deserve, it is gone, it has passed. Your blood has hidden me.-Mercy, Matt Redman  Couldn't comprehend this God who is willing to die on the cross for a sinner like me. How ? how? Am I worthy to get that?  I realize...

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lessons of faith

"Eudurance is not just the ability to endure hard things but to turn it into glory" - Anonymous  I was given the privilege to share my testimony in church last week. Well, it was nearly one year ago that I was also given the platform to share. And when I was preparing for my sharing, it dawned unto me, isn't it good to...

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It's FINAL YEAR! Will I be able to finish it well?  Leaving footprints or dust?  God has been dealing a lot of issues in my heart these days.  and some are still there.  There is still reluctance in me to go but I want to grow. so how?  I know that I am still staying in my comfort place, it is where I...

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Dating and especially marriage relationships can be tools for showing Christ's love—to the other person and to those around you. Too often, we take our spouses for granted and forget that good relationships don't just happen. They take work. ...

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getting the right one

True Love If you’re waiting to meet that person that will trigger some sort of magical moment inside of you that will dub them as your “soul mate” or “the one,” there’s a good chance you’ll be waiting for a long, long time. Instead, do yourself a favor and begin to make connections with the people God has placed in your life. Get...

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Sometimes I wished someone to be stronger than me. And I hope that it is you. can? ...

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It is Finished!

"IT's FINISHED" !!  If you would ask me, what played a big part in my life in uni, my answer would definitely be PKA. My coursemates, my friends could identify PKA in me. lol. After 2 Sidangs in excoship, I can say that it's time to pass on the baton to the next batch of leaders!!! (oh no, so old la me! =(...

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While man just give up and choose to leave us, God's love will never give up on us despite how much we have failed Him.  And we can just hang on to this unfailing love that no man can give.  This is our foundation of our existence, assurance and hope.  ...

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greater love hath no man

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13. The first time that I read this was when I visited the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne a few years back. It struck me that time, and it stayed with me, because during certain hours of the day, the sun will shine through a...

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Have you been drinking milk all these while? I have been a Christian for about more than 10 years. Considered quite old already and was just wondering how much have I grown in the Lord? Am I still consuming milk from the bottle like a baby? I need to start eating meat and grow and it's indeed a slow process but just like...

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Intentionally FOCUSed on Jesus  Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in His wonderful face and the things of the earth will go strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace.  ...

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You know when you are walking in a park alone and you looked back and wondered how long have you been walking? hm. I loved walking and walking. Most of the time, alone and by myself. I like to think and look at things around me. Sometimes just felt so comfortable to be able to just listen to the voices in my head...

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Realized that the biggest fear in me is losing my loved ones. My family. I have to spend more time talking and getting to know them more Any thing can happen and time is short. ...

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