
discovery channel

Friday, October 17, 2014

You know, I have this problem of learning things. I forget very quickly and especially in things that God is speaking to me or teaching me at that moment. Is it me or the general human is like that? 

hm. (so you know that, even though I enter uni, I might have forgotten every single things - how sad.) 

So, I went to BE today, and the topic is about Discovering God by Ps. Stefan Khoo. It was like going through a discovery channel and I felt intrigued by the way he explains human thoughts and curiosity to know this God. He shared that deep deep inside every human being, there is a knowledge that God exists but human being human, we tend to live in denial of this God, and later deviate from it. At the end, human don't really know who this God is. As he was sharing, Ps Stefan also shared about God can choose to whom he want to reveal himself too. Well, this caught me thinking whether why God choose to reveal to certain people and why not to the whole world? isn't it easier? 

This question is still not answered but my most comforting answer that I got is that God has revealed himself to everyone, probably not directly but through his creations-the sun, the stars, creatures etc. but it's human's choice whether we allow God to reveal himself even more. When people choose to know more about this God, he will reveal even deeper things about Him and his Kingdom. =) This thought has been playing in my mind, as I was wondering, hm. how about those people whom missionaries haven't been to, to share the gospel to them? What if their physical ears haven't heard about the gospel, and died? Will they die not knowing anything at all? 

Another thing that I have learned from the session is how self-centered human being is. The bible is a collection of stories, praises and knowledge about God. Everything should be about HIM!! However, we often try to use God's words to relate to our problems and try so hard to grasp what God wants to speak to us regarding our problem or situation. I often is guilty of this. And when we didn't read anything that 'pops' out to us, then we say that God never speak to me..so, I need to learn to read the Bible as a discovery time to know the God that I worship and be immersed in His greatness and beauty. 

that's all.
it's raining outside now. a good time to stay indoor. 

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