
greater love hath no man

Monday, March 03, 2014

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13.

The first time that I read this was when I visited the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne a few years back. It struck me that time, and it stayed with me, because during certain hours of the day, the sun will shine through a stone crafted with these words on it, in remembrance of wartime soldiers and the sun ray will shine on the word Love for a few minutes before it fades away. This is on Remembrance Day and I managed to watch that awesome moment when everyone spend a minute of silence.How cool is that? It is not only cool, just for that sake but literally, it moves your heart to know that there are 'friends' are is willing to lay their live in order for me to live.

I just watched Lone Survivor. A story of how four brave soldiers who fought the Taliban in the terrains of Afghan. I can't help but it just struck me so so deeply, the bond and love between these 4 soldiers. I saw the realness of this verse. There was this time when they were attacked quite badly by the Taliban, and they jumped off the cliff but one of the guys was shot and didn't managed to jump off and was surrounded by the enemies. But one of the soldiers (who is badly wounded too) said that "I need to get Danny". Wow, if it is me, going back up and having the face the enemies, just to save my friend, that will be the last thing to do! How on earth that you are so so badly wounded, blood oozing out from your legs and still, thinking of saving your friend? no no, I can't.

There's also this scene when one of the Afghan tribe saved the only survivor from the Taliban. They call themselves Pashtun and practices the Pashtunwali. It is a unwritten code of honor to protect their guests regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, etc...at all cost. At all cost, meaning that they are willing to die for their visitor! What?!
And it struck me that, how crazy are these people who is willing to protect at all cost a stranger who suddenly comes into your village to seek refuge? How could it be that love goes to that extend? I can't, and it is a struggle within me. Love doesn't only need patience and kindness but it also requires lots of courage. hm.

Well, I know that there's this man who came to die for me. No matter what it takes in order for me to live. And he is Jesus.

Ahh~~ just how undeserving am I to be loved like that? And how do you actually repay this love that surpasses all understanding ?

gosh, I can't.

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