
lessons of faith

Saturday, October 11, 2014

"Eudurance is not just the ability to endure hard things but to turn it into glory" - Anonymous 

I was given the privilege to share my testimony in church last week. Well, it was nearly one year ago that I was also given the platform to share. And when I was preparing for my sharing, it dawned unto me, isn't it good to testify about God's goodness in my life and see how much He has taught me and strengthened me within this one year? 

Yea! I felt good to share, and was encouraged as well. I feel that it is so important to note down the small little growths within you. Yeah, sometimes we feel like we aren't growing spiritually or as a human but look closely, and there's small little celebrations of growth that you didn't realize. I sometimes fail and slack back again and again but every failures will teach us even more and that is what thrusts us to greater maturity. 

Martin Luther King said faith is taking the first step when you couldn't see the end of the staircase. 

Jesus says faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 

I think it was a season of faith for me these past few months. During my working-holidays in Singapore, God challenged me to continue to trust in His strength and providence. He spoke to me through books and sharing. It was difficult sometimes and questions about God suddenly pops out randomly from my head. "Is God really true?" "Is God listening to me?" All this comes from the people that I met, and their background situation. I went to this camp where the Camp Coordinator's father suddenly passed away during the camp. I was wondering "Why God want to do this to this person who have served Him so faithfully and worked so hard to make this camp successful for nearly 1 year?" And I was probably a little angry with God. But I was reading this book by Philip Yancey about Disappointment with God. and what I read gives me a different perspective about God's disappointments. God is even more disappointed in his creations, and we can see throughout the Bible that He intended us to love him more but obviously we did the other way round. =( 
 Can you feel God's disappointments? 

I will write more soon..

time to off here first. !! 

Smile, because Jesus is the reason we are to do that. =D 

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