
tested love

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." 

Matthew 25:36

Love was being tested today. 

Dear Father, 
Today we met a lady who came begging us for money. And  we didn't know what to do, should we just give it to her and telling her that it is wrong to do that? I felt so unsure and really need your guidance. We don't know whether is she real and genuinely asking for money or that she is just faking the whole story? But Father, whatever it is, I am sorry that we failed to show love to her. I pray that you will be with her, and through the 30 minutes that she listened and talked to us she will realize that we want to show your love to her and wasn't wasting her time. I am sorry if she felt hurt by our words and she might felt condemned. I ask that you forgive us too, if we also have judged her. We do not want to be the Levites and the Teacher of the Law but to be a good Samaritan to her, that she will be able to know that we really want to show love to her. hm. I don't know whether we handled it well or not, but in any way, please bless her and her family. Protect her and that you will give her good rest tonight. I know that there is a reason that she met us today, and I pray that you will speak to her...and heal any unwanted wounds. I pray that your Holy Spirit will give her peace in her heart and she will realize that it is not right to beg around for money. Keep her, Lord. And if really we will meet her again, help us to know what to do. In your name, Amen .

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