Updates !

Monday, September 28, 2015

Since my last post in million years ago, many things have happened within this short period of time ( actually months) but every thing seems too fast, that you hardly have the time to breathe and savor them. I didn't really have the mood to update here, because there's too much stuff to say, too many people I have met, and too many experiences that I couldn't put into proper sentences, so I basically became uninspired. Lol. Honestly, it's just procrastination.

Anyway, just a quick summary of the events that have happened: 

End of June to early July : Graduation trip with my course mates ! #ProtocolGang to Krabi, Thailand! 

Flying with a hat and some quirky sunglasses!
 We got wet, dirty and salty in Phatong Beach, Krabi.
 Bring out the sunglasses and pose!
We enjoyed the overpriced 7 island tours. Enjoyed the snorkelling (for the 1st time!) and the sunsets 
We climbed 1860 steps to reach up to Tiger Cave, and caught this waiting for us. 
Worth those sweats and muscles!

I am glad that we had a good trip to end our university days and say a proper goodbye before we part in our separate ways. The 5 days of fun and enjoyment were needed, before each of us start the life on the fast lane! 

August : Camp Cameron 2015 

As it says, it's Camp Cameron in Cameron Highland! It was the longest camp I've ever gone to, but it felt like it was the shortest camp. Seriously, 3 weeks flew by so fast that by the time I found a family that I can laugh and share with, it's already the end of it. 

 My big little family, Napthali which means the "the wrestler".
I actually questioned God why am I placed in this family, a wrestler and God revealed to me that I am a person who likes to run away from anything; problems,challenges, issues and I don't like to wrestle with Him. He has taught me  that He knows everything, and I can trust Him to take those issues away.
 We laughed hard, most of the time. Nah,we are just good posers.
 ok. probably we laugh a lot. to every single thing!
And these girls of the family is so noisy that people couldn't stand it. (oppss!)
 we dine together, and take pictures of our hands trying to grab the delicious desserts.
This was at the Lord's Cafe.It tasted so good that we ordered 3 more ice-creams! 
 God is the Rock of our Family.Our firm foundation. =)
 Our names is ENGRAVED on the palms of His hands. Engraved is such a permanent act that, to remove it is not easy. And God has promised us that we belonged to Him. We are precious!

 I learned to be patient in giving love. Carving this out of soap is a new experience for me, learning as we try. We might not get it right the first time, but there's always a second chance.
As CC ends, I am still evolving into a perfect butterfly that exudes God's beauty. It's a long process that God is trying to mold me and teach me. I learned that obedience and a listening ear is an important ingredient. 

Coming back (to 'reality'), I am still trying to implement some of the things that I've learned and determined to do. It's still a challenge for me. 


Trip to Melbourne!

Was so excited for the trip, because it took us 1 year to plan. Wasn't the initial plan to have it in the 2nd half of the year but God's timing is the best! -spring was awesome. 

Thought of doing a separate blog on it. So, hope that I will not forget and procrastinate!

flowers blooming over my head. =) 


You may not always end up where you thought you were going,but you will always end up where you are meant to be. 


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