
one week

Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's been a week ever since I left Penang. Life has indeed changed, I would say. 

I try to occupy my time. Didn't want to leave home too much because it would mean spending money. 
so i try to take up some new hobbies! 
yarn and knitting needles. 
and yay! i learned to knit! 
(feels so lame =,=) 

Baking was kinda successful too. I baked lemon cupcakes and it was my most successful cupcake I have ever baked. feel so proud of myself. ^^ 

I am currently reading too. Superfreakonomics. 
yeah. kinda freaky when I am actually reading about economics even graduating from bachelor in economics but I would say it's an interesting book which relates economics to terrorist, prostitutes, teachers, etc. Didn't know that prostitutes do apply econs in their daily life. 
well, I learn to relate to them better. 

other than that, I've been spending alot of time understanding my dog, Toby. 
He seems to be showing lots of eye contact with me lately and finally, he wags his tail when I comes home. ( miracle!) 

One week at home, and I felt like I have been slacking at home for 1 year. 

Well, as much as I do 'love' my life now, I do miss my life in uni. 
the people that I won't be able to see that frequent and catch up. 

when I feel like it, I will post something about my uni life and that piece of my heart that was left there. 
Hebrews 16:9 
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain

Again and again,
He never fails to assure me of His faithfulness and deep love. 

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