
OZ Day 2

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It's a brand new day in Melbourne! Woke up to the smell of fresh toast and sweet apricot juice. Aunt was already preparing us breakfast while we get dressed. It's a Sunday and so, we dressed up a little bit and got ready to go to church. =)

A happy person is one who had her breakfast!  

We were thinking of visiting either Hillsong or Planetshakers because both churches are located in Melbourne city itself. So me and my sister were both very excited to visit them after all these years of listening to their music and it's very exciting to see them run their service. 

After some discussion, we decided to go to Planetshakers because seems like my aunt went there before. She said, there's a lot of young people there. That's all. So alright, we just agreed. We drove there, but lo and behold, it's the wrong location. We googled again, and GPS took us to Docklands. We were already late by then and so, we decided to go for the next service which is in the next hour. Since we have time to spare, we walked around and ended up at the South Melbourne Market. 

Quite a big market which sells lots of stuff. Clothing, flowers, food and etc. 

At the Planetshakers building. 

The atmosphere when we stepped into that huge building: Everyone was busy catching up with one another and honestly, what my aunt said was really true- All are young people!and there's quite a number of Asians here too. Well, only this wide screen welcomed us. 

As the worship starts. It felt a little concert-ish. A different kind of culture and I wasn't familiar with their songs. So it takes a while for me to focus and worship God. Another quite extraordinary culture that I saw on that day is they had their baptism ceremony for a few people and while having baptism, there was worship going on. I felt it was quite cool in a way, but for me, I will feel weird if I am the one getting baptized and my face is zoomed into the screen for all to see. err. 

The service ended by 1pm, and it ended quite dramatic because the fire alarm rang. And we got to see some handsome fireman at work! 
They were so efficient that I was too slow to capture them. "p

Next, we head off to my uncle's place at Prahran for homecook brunch! 
 Tram lines as we drove. And loving the sun!

Aunt cooked us some sausages with bacon,eggs and spinach. 

What's next? 
We decided to head to Fritzroy Garden since the weather was
 perfect to go for a nice walk in the park. 
 Flowers everywhere! This is at the conservatory or also known as the green house in the park.
So many flowers around, and for once I wished I am a gardener. =p 

 Blue daisy. Sister's favorite flower. 

 Not quite sure what this is, but looks so cute! like tiny coconut trees. 

We found a gigantic octopus-like creature plant. So scary! 
If they had this in Malaysia, I am sure they will use it for some horror movie. 
But isn't it a beauty too? Because there's none like it! 

Come, come...must pose with the green grass. haha. 

Sun setting between the buildings. 

 I love strolling at the park because I get to see parents and their kids spending time together.
awh. :)

 Water time.
 As the sun goes down
Such serenity and peace. 

Before we head back, we stopped by at St. Patrick's Cathedral. We were blessed, because they were having their Song Mass. Even though I have been a Christian all my life, I have never been to a Catholic mass. so it's my first experience. 

St. Patrick's Cathedral in it's grandeur at night.

The priest leading the Song Mass.
 There was an unspeakable sense of awe towards the whole ceremony, seeing how different their worship towards God. It portrayed how great and sovereign is our God and how much the modern churches has diluted it. I was reminded again that my worship towards GOD should be filled with reverence, praise and adoration.

By 7.30pm, we left and the weather became really chilly and cold. Dressed in that, we were shivering. So what can make us warm? A nice hot Vietnamese meal! 
So we head towards Richmond, where we had our dinner at Thanh Nga Nine.

-Our entree-
Mini prawn pancakes served with light coconut and chili sauce. 
This dish is quite new to my taste bud. I have never tried coconut (or santan)  with any pancakes before, so this would be the first. The combination of the santan and chili is quite refreshing. Never thought it would blend so well together!

Our next dish is fine vermicelli squares with their special rolls. It should be wrapped with some salad leaves, mint and dipped into their nutty sauce. The rolls are just normal rolls, but once combined together with the salads and mint, it truly enlightens the taste. 

 We also had the popular Vietnamese rice paper rolls with pork and prawn stuffing. The last time I came to Melbourne, this was one of the dishes that I was really craving for, and finally I got to try again! The prawn inside is so big and fresh, once dipped in their peanut sauce, it truly makes your tummy go 'yummm'! and I enjoy stuffing my mouth and take a big bite out of it.....=D

Ended our dinner with coconut pancake served with santan and vanilla ice cream. 
To truly enjoy them, you need to combine all and quickly stuff them into your mouth. lol. 
This actually tasted like apom. But I really like how the cold ice cream marries together with the warm pancake and there's a marry-go-round in your mouth. =D 

To sum up Day 2, my aunt said that we are double holy today because we went to 2 churches. haha. But for me, I truly appreciate that I am able to experience both sides of the world and probably understand something even more about the different culture and tradition of a church. 

Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him; Worship the LORD in holy array.1 Chronicles 16:29


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