
OZ Day 3

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Today, we are going for a little short road trip to Mount Dandenong! This will be my second time here, so I am dying to visit this lovely place again.

Mount Dandenong is a mountain and small township that is located 35km away from Melbourne. It took us roughly about an hour plus to reach this place. Once you see tall green trees on your left and right, you are sure that you have reached your destination. Within this mountain itself, there's so many things to do and see, and thus, we didn't have that much time because we left from home rather late. We reached Dandenong about 12pm and we keep hurry hurry as the darkness will hit the place very early, and many locations that we intended to go will be closed by then.

So, our very first pit stop, Kalorama Scenic Lookout.
This lookout is halfway up the mountain. It's just a small lookout where are able to see the beautiful scenic Dandenong Ranges.

 Our excited faces. =D

Feels nostalgic, coming back to this place again. On the right was when I was here 4 years back,when the sun has set. I can still remember the whole scene in my mind. 

Next, we left for William Rickett's Sanctuary. 

 Once you step into this place, there is a mystical and kind of eerie feeling creeping inside you. No, there is no ghost or whatsoever, but as you walk along the pathways,there are half hidden mystical sculptures such as these with inscriptions that is too deep that you try very hard to understand but can't. :/
 But for some, this place is a place of quiet reflection, where they try to find the meaning of life through the wisdom behind these sculptures.
 This sanctuary is situated in a ferny glade, where you will be able to see beautiful ferns curling out from everywhere, and I liked how it glowed in the sunlight.

 Baby ferns. =)
The sculpture that welcomed us at the doorway. 

OK, honestly, I didn't want to spend too much time in this sanctuary.
So, we left and head to SkyHigh Mt Dandenong.


SkyHigh has one of the best views in Melbourne. This place has a bistro, where you can also enjoy a romantic dinner with your date while enjoying the chill breeze and the evening sky.
Ahh..I just feel like lying down on the green grass and just chill. 

We have to be quick, because one of the highlights for today is having at Mrs.Marples.
Since visiting this place 4 years ago, I was just craving for their scones which I had back then. so I was really excited to come back again, and bring my sister to experience it with me!
Let me tell you the story behind Mrs. Marples.  :
-Mrs Marples is actually a busy body. Really! She is a very curious person and likes to tell stories about things that goes on in the town. Hence, this place is named Mrs Marples because this is where people flocked to hear the latest hot gossips in town.- 
wah, she so drama. but well, good stories like these are all created in a story book. She's a fictional character only. =D 

Mrs.Marples is famed for her Devonshire Scones (on the right) served with their fresh cream and homemade raspberry jam.
We ordered a plain and fruit scones each. This costs $9.50.
Next to the scone is their dessert of the day. Waffles with ice-cream and cream, topped with strawberry sauce. My favourite!
Both the strawberry sauce and jam isn't too sweet which I prefer.

 Smoked salmon, egg, cheese and caper fingers.
 Chicken pie. 
I love the ambiance of this little tea house. It was decorated with ornaments, pictures and every cute stuff that makes this place so cozy and warm. Feels like you have experienced a real English tea party. Perfect place for a catch up with friends and family. =) 

oh yea, I guessed that they bought most of their tea pot supplies from the shop next door which sells the cutest porcelain tea cups and pots in the world! They also had every types of teas and coffee for those who loved drinking them. ahh. =) 

We really wanted to spend our time walking around the cute vintage shops in Olinda town but due to time constraint, we decided to pass that. 

This was taken 4 years ago in Olinda town 
Hence, we quickly drove towards our last destination and also one of the highlights of our trip today, National Rhododendron Garden. This is the home to brilliantly coloured blooms of rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, cherries and daffodils. Since it is spring, it is the perfect time of the year to come here!

 The rhododendrons that blossomed into its beauty and coloured this whole place.

 the young ones are still on it's way to experience the sun after the cold winter. 


 Check out that bird! I guess it felt like the king of the forest. hehe.

The various plants that you will find here. And perhaps,this is my favourite one of them all.

it's a huge garden, and sadly it's too big to be discovered within an hour. By 5pm, we were all politely ushered to the gate. I was literally the last person to leave this place before the guard have to close the gate. it is 5.10pm. 

Hope to come back here one day.

Drove back to the city center. It was totally dark by then, and our stomach were starving already. 
So aunt decided to bring us for Chinese/China cuisine. 

 Pork leg.
oh wow, I don't really eat pork but I tell you, this is quite awesome. The meat is so tender it fell off its bones so easily and the broth that comes with it is so 'gao'. First thumbs up for pork leg. haha. 

Another thumbs up for this steamed Chinese dumplings. the lady who made this is from China, and they really know their dumplings! The skin is so thin and silky,and the light gravy (probably from the steam) was soothing to my taste bud. Once this hit my mouth, it just slurped into my throat. And the prawn and pork filling inside was huge, compared to the Malaysian dumplings. There is also the fried version which we did not try. Hope to try it next time!

 This restaurant is located at Burwood, Melbourne. 

The atmosphere of the restaurant is quite pleasant. A nice place to dine with the family because the portion is huge. And so, you just can't finish them by your self. It's impossible. 

With a tired leg and satisfied tummy, it's time to go home for a good rest. 
Get ready for tomorrow because it's gonna be an exciting day! 


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