
OZ Day 2

It's a brand new day in Melbourne! Woke up to the smell of fresh toast and sweet apricot juice. Aunt was already preparing us breakfast while we get dressed. It's a Sunday and so, we dressed up a little bit and got ready to go to church. =) A happy person is one who had her breakfast!   We were thinking of visiting...

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OZ Day 1

The day has finally arrived! After a year of preparations and planning, we finally saw it coming. We packed our bags, 2 huge check-in bags and 2 hand luggage, and off we flew to our destination, Melbourne International Airport. We arrived early, at 8.45 am managed to get through all the tight securities in the airport. I was truly impressed by the airport...

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Updates !

Since my last post in million years ago, many things have happened within this short period of time ( actually months) but every thing seems too fast, that you hardly have the time to breathe and savor them. I didn't really have the mood to update here, because there's too much stuff to say, too many people I have met, and too many...

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