

Wednesday, March 04, 2015


I received this word today. I found that listening is quite a hard thing. who to listen to, when there's like so many voices out there. I realized that we often pray and pray but maybe God has been answering our questions but are we listening?

I often like to take walks in my uni. just to escape the people around me, and trying to tune into God. It's actually quite hard even though I am alone because you need to learn to discipline yourself to listen. Listen to what, you would say...

Today, when I was walking along the road,  I saw a bunch of thorns and among it was some flowers growing from it. God reminded me of the story of the seed that fell among the thorns. There's so many thorns (temptations and worries of life) around me that prevented me from listening from God, and that is why we feel like God is so far away when in actual fact, he has been speaking to us all the time.

Whose voice I want to listen to today?

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