

Friday, March 09, 2012

With just a wink of the eye, it has already 3 months into this year,2012. Wonder how fast time flies?
I suddenly felt the urge to write some of my thoughts here. Maybe because it has been raining alot these days and now, listening to some love songs. It makes my night a relaxing one.
It is cold today and regretted for leaving my sweater back home. I should have known. But well, I am glad for bringing my old comfy blanket..it makes me warm and cozy. ahh...i love it. Sometimes, the old is still the best. right ?

Second semester in university.
I still remember having such a tough time during the first semester. Is this how life as uni student should be? I had an average result from my first finals. I know I could have done better but I learned from my mistakes and doesn't want to repeat it again. God's grace is so big. I could have done so much worse. But His hands are always there to prevent me from falling deeper. I knew that my focus and attention wasn't really on studies and indeed distracted by other influences. My heart wasn't here. I knew that I shouldn't take His grace for granted and therefore, I want to do my best for this semester though I know that it will be so much harder to score.

Well, apart from studies I can indeed see God's hands are taking place and working out my life. I admitted that my life for the past few months wasn't a good testimony. I did things that doesn't please Him, I look into my personal achievements instead of His, I spend time being with someone instead of spending it with HIM. I had lost my first love in Him. I lost my hunger to know His will and desire for my life. I only want my way,my will. But well ,WHO AM I?

He taught me and opened my eyes through different circumstances. I knew that His love never fails and he never forsaken me. Have you ever experience such love? it is only through HIM. I am beginning to come back to Him. I am running back to His arms and falling in love with Jesus once again. I want to know Him so much deeper and hear His voice whispering into my ears. I want to be His blessed daughter and walk with my Daddy daily. It wasn't easy with God, living in uni where there's so many temptations to draw away from Him. However, I know that all in all, His love never fails.

I read a treasure today : Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is uncertain, today is here. use it wisely.

I know that indeed our lives on earth is not certain. I can be the richest guy on earth today and tomorrow I die or I can be laughing one moment and the next I can be crying knowing that my days on earth ARE counted. God showed me that our life on earth is so temporal. Today is here, I should use it wisely and use it to the max. Jesus said that he came to give life, and give it to the fullest. I am here, in God's grace and mercy to live a life of abundance, filled with His Holy Spirit and to live it to the fullest. This I want to testify of God's goodness.

His blessings are indeed marvelous. Semester 2 so far has been good to me. But I know that there are thorns and bushes awaiting me on my road ahead. I have to keep my head up high by God's strength and go through them. Then I can say that I have run the race and kept the good fight. =)

I have met new friends and beginning to be in a family. Being far away from home is hard and I felt that,even now. But then, I knew that life is going to throw stones at us. I just have to take it and walk strong. God has brought a beautiful family here to me. I got to know my PKA family and my family at HOPE Penang. They are all beautiful to me. Though I am still struggling to accept them into my life, I am willing to come out of my comfort zone and say, welcome.

Walking together in a long distance relationship not easy.at all.But In God we trust. His plans and His will are always the best and in His timing,everything will be beautiful . We knew that this will test us in our faith and love for each other. We are ready to go through this period of testing with our faith and trust in God. I admit that it wasn't an easy thing to do, the goodbyes , the tears , the feeling of missing someone so far away. I just can't do anything but to wait. Love is patient. Isn't it awesome that God placed this verse in the Bible? LOVE can wait. because it needs to learn to be patient. I really didn't understand this before but now, I can say that I understood it well and clear. Though there were times we quarreled and argues about silly things that hurts us, it indeed has brought us closer and our love are still strong for one another. He is my angel , whom I believe was God sent.

Ok.this is a long post. It's time to stop. I will be back on another day, another time. Maybe it will be raining again, on a cold night.
Till then.

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