
bus driver

you know, God do hear your little prayers ! wee~ so happy when it happens. sometimes small things like that strengthens our already tiny faith-like-mustard-seed faith. Was going to a Kompleks Penyayang that day to get my Rainbow Run t-shirt by bus. And so, since I have never been there, and I was kinda worried that I will get lost, so I said...

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What is the truth? do anyone knows the answer to it? ...

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along the beautiful street of penang

the first time in my life that a stranger came and say that to me.i call it verbal assault. and I never felt so vulnerable as a women walking along the street before.  what kind of sick head would do that?  you don't do that to your daughter. you need to know what is respect to women. #wannascreamandkickhisdowntheresohardithurtsbadlyandhewillcrylikeababy!  ...

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How should I balance up doing what I want to do, my dreams..etc and money?  Seems like money is quite important factor in order for me to make my choice. ahh. No money, no talk. But God say, give and you will receive more. how did that even happen..?  I can only trust Him.  oh. alright.  #it's important to save money! ...

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what if I have not changed for the better, but for worse? ...

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tested love

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."  Matthew 25:36 Love was being tested today.  Dear...

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Perhaps only when human effort had done it's best and failed,would God's power alone be free to work. - The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom ...

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It's convo season in uni right now. so, I saw something that brought tears to my eyes today. As I was walking, I passed a grandma who was on walking stick. From the pace of her walk, she is having lots of difficulty getting strength from her fragile legs to make her take the next step. her maid was beside her holding her...

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Coming into my final year and convocation for the seniors and my batch friends. These periods. ugh. you see them coming into university with you and they leave you behind. so sad. And been seeing so many unknown faces around university nowadays. oh, how I missed those people I used to see hanging around the foyer, studying, eating ..doing what they loved best....

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Love.How did one show it? How could God Himself show truth and love at the same time in a world like this? By dying. ...

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