I am no longer a SLAVE OF FEAR I am a CHILD OF GOD =D knowing that, makes all things possible. knowing that, brings hope knowing that, gives me a new identity so happy ! ...
When I was still a young girl, my purpose in life is to share my smile to others. I think that is my biggest strength. Leaving my uni season in a few more days, I hope that I have left something here to those that I have come across with...my smile. Not because my teeth is beautiful ( = = ) but to...
Next common question : "What do you want to do NEXT?" "What do you see yourself as? " " Which industry you want to be in ?" "Where do you see yourself in ? " seriously, "I don't know" "I am going for a holiday first! kthxbye" the nerves when it's time to hit the real world there will be bigger challenges to...
A 24 year old who desires to enjoy life to the fullest in the ways God have created her to be. A person who sought after good chats over a cup of coffee, who likes to just chill and has a big problem with procrastination. I am an introvert who likes just being like that. I have many dreams, and prays that one day, those dreams will come true!
This blog is just a place for me to share some of the little happenings in my life, my thoughts and the on-goings stuff in my brain.